Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Smoking causes one death of every ten!!

A new study is one in every ten deaths due to smoking and found that half of them belong to the dead only four countries, China, India and Russia.
The policies that have been warning for decades to study the control of smoking in the number of smokers in the population has increased largely.
The researchers say that mortality rates may increase further because tobacco companies are making increasing its business in developing countries.

Russia considers cigarette smoking to be illegal!!
This study has been published in the medical journal lanst.
Gakydu study senior researcher Dr. Emanuel added that "more than half a century, despite doubts about the effects on health of tobacco smokers Shin-ya Auckland every fourth person. '
He said, "Smoking is still the second leading cause of early death and disability and its effects will bring intensified efforts to curb smoking to reduce."
Tobacco smoking habits were reviewed by the Global Burden of people between 2015 to 1990 in 195 countries and states in the report Diseases.
The research also found that nearly one billion people smoke each day during 2015. One in four women and one out of every 20 smokers.
This number was smoking every twelfth woman and every third person is less than 1990.
However, the increased number of smokers in the population was 87 million in 1990.

64 million deaths in 2015 were related to smoking, which are 4.7% percent.
According to the study, some countries are warning and awareness programs on additional taxes, even on the packets in which people refrain from smoking tobacco products.
25 years in the number of daily smokers in Brazil ratio was 12% percent to 29% percent of men. The women came from 19% percent to 8% percent.
However, according to study Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines did not change between 1990 to 2015.
Researchers have warned that Russia increased four percent of women smoked, and similar trends were seen in Africa.

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