Tuesday, February 2, 2016

What are the Reasons to Start a Blog

Happy 33rd Day of Year,

People are wondering and asking me , why I made  a Blog , have i enough time to write after eight hours of Job to write Posts,

 My Friends thank you for your kind peice of advice ,

I am writing the Reasons why  I started posting in my blog,

this Post is for My Friends........ LOL

    •     To Express  Thoughts and Opinions.

    You have something to say, and blogs provide a place to say it and be heard

    • To Market or Promote Something 

    Blogging is a great way to help market or promote yourself or your business, product or service

    To Help People 

    Many blogs are written to help people who may be going through similar situations that the blogger has experienced. Many parenting and health-related blogs are written for this purpose.

    • To Establish Yourself as an Expert

    Blogs are wonderful tools to help bloggers establish themselves as experts in a field or topic

    • To Make Money 

    It's important to point out that most bloggers don't make a lot of money blogging, but the potential does exist to generate revenue from your blog with hard work and commitment.

    • To Have Fun and Be Creative 

    Many people start a blog simply for fun. Perhaps a blogger is a fan of a particular actor or loves knitting and wants to share that passion through a blog.


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