Saturday, May 21, 2016

The world's most dangerous animals?

What is your view of the world's most dangerous animal? Shark? Cheetah? Or a crocodile?
This week, the crocodile killed a man in Australia and his friend could survive after three hours of struggle.
Crocodiles are quite dangerous, they kill an average of 1,000 people per year. But the world is quite small in size and is the most dangerous animal mosquito.

Learn about the world's most dangerous animals.


According to the World Health Organization about seven lac 25 thousand people a year die from illnesses caused by mosquitoes. Just go into the roughly six million malaria deaths in mouth, which affects 20 million people. Mosquito dengue fever, yellow fever constituted an inflammation of the brain.
An estimated snake causes the death of 50 thousand people annually. The most poisonous snakes in the world, which is also known as Inland Western Taipan is taipan. This poison can cause death within 45 minutes of man. The Inland Taipan murderer of death is 80 percent. But it is not because it rarely bites humans murderer from the beam.
The shadow of a snake skin like thorns called 'small-scale wiper. The number of deaths is only ten percent of the ten most poisonous snakes and bite him. But remains close to populated areas and fast cuts.
An estimated five thousand people annually die a scale wiper, which is far more deaths than any other type of snake bites.
Inland is the ancestral home of Central Australia taipan a scale wiper Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, is also found in parts of Africa and the Middle East. Count crate generation of snakes is the most dangerous animals in the world occur in Asia.


Man's best friend? Maybe, but not humanity. An estimated rabid dogs cause 25 deaths per thousand people.
Including countries where there is a large number of stray dogs in India, are the most affected. There are 20 thousand deaths worldwide are rabid dogs bite 55 thousand annual deaths Fitness in India, where most of the victims being children who are touched by infected dogs.
But there are very few deaths from dog bites. It was certified data does not exist, however, cut the annual 45 million dogs in the United States and an estimated 30 percent of deaths.

Lead bloodsuckers fly or Bee:

Fly lead is smaller than a housefly. This is my long sting suck blood from animals and humans.
This fly is causing disease called sleeping sickness, or African trypanosomiasis, called the golden disease. Illness with fever, headache, joint pain, vomiting, swelling of the brain and have trouble sleeping. In sub-Saharan region of 20 thousand to 30 thousand people are affected every year. An estimated ten thousand people die from this disease.

Crocodiles attack humans, but they are not necessarily attacking opportunity. Only several hundred cases a year are reported attacks on humans by hunch but every year in Africa, which prove to be life-threatening, but more than half of its attack depending on the breed crocodiles. Many attacks are in remote areas and do not report them.
Worldwide crocodiles are killed annually a thousand men, the figure is more than the number of deaths from shark attacks.


It is very clumsy animal counted most dangerous animals on earth that pushes the death of approximately five in Africa. Sea horses are aggressive creatures and they have very sharp teeth.
And you would not get stuck in the teeth, it can crush the human

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