1. Akhi and ukhti
"my brother" and "my sister" respectively, this descriptor
is bigger than family. With friendship a premium in the Arab world, don't be
surprised if you are graduated by your mate to "akhy" and
"ukhty" status in no time. Both terms also carry weight spiritually,
with Muslims encouraged to call fellow adherents brother or sister.
2. Aamu
and ammati (Aa-mu and Am-ma-ti)
mean uncle or auntie, and are to be used with people you're familiar with.
Those roughly 20 years above your age qualify for a’amu or a'mati status.
Anyone more advanced in age should be referred to as jaddu or jaddati, which
mean grandfather and grandmother respectively.
3. Bash
Muhandis (Bash mu-han-dis)
An old
and charming handle from Egypt, mostly used for males, which dates back to the
country's former Ottoman rule. Bash is short for "basha", a term used
by the Turks for those of a high rank, while muhandis is an Arabic word that
means engineer. Bash muhandis was initially used to address qualified engineers
and architects now it is used for anyone who is handy with a screwdriver.
4. Boss
A term
of respect used to those often performing a service, whether labour-intensive
or in the hospitality industry. For example, you would perhaps call the
attendant filling your gas tank or the waiter "boss".
Duktoor (male) and duktoora (female)
don’t have to be a medical professional to be a doctor in the Arab world. With
a high regard for education instilled in the culture, this designator is also
used to honour those who have completed a PhD. The title immediately bestows a
level of respect reserved for society’s intelligentsia.
its literal meaning is “my life”, it serves the same function as “Oh sweetie”
or “Oh, honey”. It is no wonder this term is used in Arabic soap operas in
either romantic exchanges or scenes when a partner begs for forgiveness.
7. Habibi (male) and habibti (female)
mean darling, and can be used with friends and good colleagues. It is one of
the most widely used terms of endearments in the region, and chances are they
are the first Arabic words learned by a new arrival. But don’t drop it too
casually. Familiarity doesn’t necessarily mean intimacy and there is still a
code of respect to adhere to. Don’t call your manager or professional
acquaintance habibi or habibti, unless you are certain of the quality of your
8. Ya
sahby and Ya sahbety
This is
a polite and slightly quaint way of saying "my friend" for men and
women respectively. Sensible and evergreen, this can be used in most social
settings, however it is recommended to use with those in your age group.
9. My
title sounds rather archaic and too heavy for a chilled conversation. Hence, it
is a good idea to be conservative in its usage. It is to be deployed on a
case-by-case basis and only to those who address you using that term first.
10. Ya
Arabic version of the hip-hop term “OG”. A casual and cool way to say teacher
(note: it is all in the delivery), a “mualem” is that grizzly dude who has his
own reserved table and holds court at his local coffee shop. A younger cat can
also earn the title for either a perceived wisdom or being the absolute best at
what he does.
Ustadhi (male) and ustadhati (female)
as "my teacher", ustadhi or ustadhati is a Gulf honorific widely used
to address senior citizens. You can either use it singularly, or add on to the
person's first name. For example, "Shukran ustadhi/ustadhati" or
"Ustadi Ahmed/ustadhati Fatima".
12. Ya
albi or ya roohi
habibi/habibti are typically pan-Arab terms, ya albi or ya roohi are mostly
used by those hailing from the Levant. But once again, with ya albi meaning
"my heart" and ya roohi "my soul", they should only be used
with close friends and associates.
13. Ya
rayal (ya ray-yal)
Emirati term frequently used in conversations between males. Translating to
"oh man", it is often heard in friendly banter or as a term of
exasperation during arguments.
14. Ya
This is
the regional version of "ya rayal". Commonly heard during that
boisterous late-night card game in the coffee shop, it is best to keep its
usage among friends and away from the office environment.