Saturday, January 30, 2016

Live in UAE or Leave the UAE

Live in UAE or Leave the UAE.

Time of Leaving:'The Pain of saying Good Bye'

I am retiring from my job,

Saying good-bye over and over again is one of the hardest parts of being an expatriate and our children have to learn how to handle it at a very early age. This is not the same as saying good-bye to teachers and friends at the end of each school year. This is not altogether a “natural” part of life – except, of course, for expatriates
    Expatriates ( people living out of their countries) often move multiple times in their lives – some as often as every couple of years. Expatriates in Dubai are a more unusual breed, tending to stay longer. But be that as it may, saying good-bye to people who leave us, or when going away ourselves, is both painful and sad.

Before , it will happen
it  is a good way to Say good bye , We should do somethings ,

Make mementos together – perhaps a film, a memory book, or just silly photos of the friends – doing what they enjoy best or in the places they shared time together.
• Plan the ways in which they could keep in touch – emails, skype, instagram, whats app or facebook. In our age of social media – for teenagers this is much less of an issue than ever before.
• Remind – especially boys – that they can continue to play games with their friends who have moved – by playing multi player games online (MMPORPG) with the usual restrictions that apply in your home (of course)!
• Organise a farewell event – a party, a meal or a shared outing to mark the parting

Perhaps it will relief our rest of alone life,

Arabic Terms and their meaning moslty used in day to day conversation

    1. Akhi and ukhti Meaning "my brother" and "my sister" respectively, this descriptor is bigger than family. With...