Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Arabic Terms and their meaning moslty used in day to day conversation



1. Akhi and ukhti

Meaning "my brother" and "my sister" respectively, this descriptor is bigger than family. With friendship a premium in the Arab world, don't be surprised if you are graduated by your mate to "akhy" and "ukhty" status in no time. Both terms also carry weight spiritually, with Muslims encouraged to call fellow adherents brother or sister.

2. Aamu and ammati (Aa-mu and Am-ma-ti)

These mean uncle or auntie, and are to be used with people you're familiar with. Those roughly 20 years above your age qualify for a’amu or a'mati status. Anyone more advanced in age should be referred to as jaddu or jaddati, which mean grandfather and grandmother respectively.

3. Bash Muhandis (Bash mu-han-dis)

An old and charming handle from Egypt, mostly used for males, which dates back to the country's former Ottoman rule. Bash is short for "basha", a term used by the Turks for those of a high rank, while muhandis is an Arabic word that means engineer. Bash muhandis was initially used to address qualified engineers and architects now it is used for anyone who is handy with a screwdriver.

4. Boss

A term of respect used to those often performing a service, whether labour-intensive or in the hospitality industry. For example, you would perhaps call the attendant filling your gas tank or the waiter "boss".

5. Duktoor (male) and duktoora (female)

You don’t have to be a medical professional to be a doctor in the Arab world. With a high regard for education instilled in the culture, this designator is also used to honour those who have completed a PhD. The title immediately bestows a level of respect reserved for society’s intelligentsia.

6.Ya omri

While its literal meaning is “my life”, it serves the same function as “Oh sweetie” or “Oh, honey”. It is no wonder this term is used in Arabic soap operas in either romantic exchanges or scenes when a partner begs for forgiveness.

7. Habibi (male) and habibti (female)

Both mean darling, and can be used with friends and good colleagues. It is one of the most widely used terms of endearments in the region, and chances are they are the first Arabic words learned by a new arrival. But don’t drop it too casually. Familiarity doesn’t necessarily mean intimacy and there is still a code of respect to adhere to. Don’t call your manager or professional acquaintance habibi or habibti, unless you are certain of the quality of your relationship.

8. Ya sahby and Ya sahbety

This is a polite and slightly quaint way of saying "my friend" for men and women respectively. Sensible and evergreen, this can be used in most social settings, however it is recommended to use with those in your age group.

9. My dear

The title sounds rather archaic and too heavy for a chilled conversation. Hence, it is a good idea to be conservative in its usage. It is to be deployed on a case-by-case basis and only to those who address you using that term first.

10. Ya mualem

The Arabic version of the hip-hop term “OG”. A casual and cool way to say teacher (note: it is all in the delivery), a “mualem” is that grizzly dude who has his own reserved table and holds court at his local coffee shop. A younger cat can also earn the title for either a perceived wisdom or being the absolute best at what he does.

11. Ustadhi (male) and ustadhati (female)

Translated as "my teacher", ustadhi or ustadhati is a Gulf honorific widely used to address senior citizens. You can either use it singularly, or add on to the person's first name. For example, "Shukran ustadhi/ustadhati" or "Ustadi Ahmed/ustadhati Fatima".

12. Ya albi or ya roohi

While habibi/habibti are typically pan-Arab terms, ya albi or ya roohi are mostly used by those hailing from the Levant. But once again, with ya albi meaning "my heart" and ya roohi "my soul", they should only be used with close friends and associates.

13. Ya rayal (ya ray-yal)

An Emirati term frequently used in conversations between males. Translating to "oh man", it is often heard in friendly banter or as a term of exasperation during arguments.

14. Ya Ragel

This is the regional version of "ya rayal". Commonly heard during that boisterous late-night card game in the coffee shop, it is best to keep its usage among friends and away from the office environment.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Driverless vehicles to be tested on UAE roads #dubairoads

Can we believe that cars without drivers are not yet a pipe dream! Yes, the UAE will become the world's second country to test driverless vehicles. UAE is constantly one step ahead of the rest of the globe when it comes to attracting technology and innovations. Please comment if you Like and for more, Subcribe Our Channel https://youtu.be/sdF1cQ2sCfM

Monday, November 1, 2021


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Sunday, April 28, 2019

Dubai (UAE) Indian teen gets acceptance letters from "7 US Universities"

Hundreds of parents may have been caught bribing officials to get their child a seat in a prestigious university  but there are students who reach the top with their own hard work and merit.
A 17-year-old Indian student in Dubai, for example, has been offered acceptance letters from seven prominent US-based universities, including Ivy League schools such as Dartmouth College and University of Pennsylvania.
Other high-ranking universities, such as University of California in Berkeley, John Hopkins, Emory, George Town and George Washington University, have also offered Simone Noorali a spot.
She has studied at the Uptown School in Mirdif for all of her grade school years and has managed to keep straight A's since Year 9.
"I honestly think there is no secret to being accepted into this many universities. The whole process is about discovering yourself. Everyone has something unique to offer," 

"While applying to universities, it forced me to look back at my life and try to figure out the reason behind everything I did. I had explained all of that eloquently to universities in my college application essays," said Simone, who is also the head girl at her school.
Besides keeping her grades on top, Simone is also an accomplished pianist; she's written a book that is being used for educational purposes; she's part of the school's Model United Nations programme, and was also its inaugural secretary-general.

Finding the right balance between academics, extracurricular activities, her social life and time with family has been one of the major challenges she faced - though for her, it's not impossible to do.

When her acceptance letters started pouring in, Simone was surprised as she didn't expect the variety of choices she'd be left with.

In her college application essays, she had written about her successes, but also revealed some of the struggles she faced.

"When I was young, I was a completely different person - I was the most shy, introverted, shell of a person you could've ever met. And I think, now, if I look back, I never would've thought I could reach where I am today," she said.

"But, I think, somewhere along the path, my teachers, my friends and my family kept pushing me and helped me believe in myself. They also helped me find resilience in the hurdles I faced. The way I've grown up in the past few years has helped me reach where I am today. I couldn't have even imagined getting accepted into this many top universities."
Simone's father, Sameer Noorali, said his daughter is a "prime example" of how students can get into prestigious universities without parents having to buy their way in.

Several universities across the US, celebrities and other parents have been sued for giving and taking bribes - putting into question how many students, currently enrolled and in the past, really got there through their own hard work.
He said: "I'm very proud of her achievement. I must say to all of the parents that in a world where there are college scams and parents offer up to millions of dollars just for a seat in one of these colleges - here is proof that through sheer hard work, persistence and supporting your child, these children are very capable."
When asked which university she would be choosing, Simone said her decision would be based on which varsity offers the best programme in international relations and economics.

"I would advise students to do what they love and not force themselves into doing anything.
That's such a big part of motivating yourself and finding what you love to do," she added.

Simone's book on human trafficking in India called The Girl in the Pink Room, is being used in a few Taaleem schools by teachers and students for research purposes. It'll be available in bookstores sometime this year.

"Discovered a new type of nature in a cave of the Philippines"


Our human being has increased. The Philippines has discovered an inappropriate nature of humans.
Having been found on the largest island of Luzon in the country, his name is also named Humo Lawrenceans.
Her physical implications are found to be a combination of our ancient father's ages and recent humans.
This could mean that early human relations were successful in reaching South-East Asia from Africa, which was considered impossible before it.
These investigations show that human evolution in this region was a complex matter and there were probably three or more variables at the arrival of our experienced immigrants.
One of them is Humor Florence Sensis, which we also know as 'Hubat', which was found 50,000 years ago on the Florence island of Indonesia.
Chris Stringer, professor of the Natural History Museum in London, says, "After the discovery of Humor Florence Sensex in 2004, I had told that this experience of human evolution in Florence may have been repeated on other parts of the region."

'The estimate was confirmed on the island of Luzon, 3,000 km away. These samples found in the northern Cave Cave descent are described in 'Nature'. Their age is reported between 50,000 to 67,000 years.
It has 13 remaining remnants of adults and children, including teeth, hands and feet. He has been evacuated from a cave in the excavation released from 2007.
Humor Florence has some physical similarities to humans in the modern era of Sensex But the remaining effects are like Austrochemical pythones, which had a living, vertical bin-rayed creature 20-20 million years ago in Africa.
Finger and thumb bones are broken, which shows that climbing was necessary for that type. The same is seen in some types of ostracal pythonas

If the Austrochemical pythones were able to reach South-East Asia, it could change our idea of exit from humans in Africa.
For a long time, it was believed that before the Africa in Africa, Architects migrated almost 1 million years ago.
And because Luzon can only reach the sea route, it also raises the question that how the creatures have reached the island before.
On the island along with Humo Lausanneans, another creature named Danny Sauses also had a home, who met our native monarch when they came.
It is proved by observing DNA, because there is no evidence of Danny Schones in this region.

It is believed that history of 'Habubas' or Humo Florence Sensex, found on Indonesia's Florence island, is some 50,000 to 100,000 years old, which means that they have had modern humans.
Scientists have also said that the physical effects of Humo Florence Sensex and Austrochemical pythonas are found. But researchers say hubes came from Humo Architects, but many of their organs resumed over time.



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Arabic Terms and their meaning moslty used in day to day conversation

    1. Akhi and ukhti Meaning "my brother" and "my sister" respectively, this descriptor is bigger than family. With...